
something new

It's time for something new. A new perspective. A new way of looking at things. I haven't written in quite a long while. It needs to be done. There are words calling out of my heart and mind that need to be sorted out. Writing has always been therapy for me and when I wrote here before, there were words and emotions, hurts and hopes to express. Now, there still is a need for expression and sometimes a need for therapy, but it comes from a different perspective. When I wrote before I was searching for answers, conflicted and torn, heart broken and confused. There were moments and times of hope and peace, but they were found in the process. Now it seems that the perspective starts from a place of hope and peace. It's a new way to live. To find myself in a place where I live fully in the joy and hope and peace of the Lord is only to His glory. Sure, there are days and moments when I forget my peace, lose my joy, but now they are the exception. The Lord has worked out a good thing in my heart and mind and soul and I know that because He is faithful, He will continue to work out all things in my life for good- for His glory and purpose. I am excited about writing here again, growing here again, bearing my soul and finding hope and love and peace in the process!

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